Referring Physicians
Referring a patient to Heartland Fertility is a quick and easy process. We recommend referring your patient as early as possible to give us the best opportunity to address your patient’s needs and help to find them a solution.
How to Refer
You can refer your patients by fax of a printable referral form to us.
Download a printable referral form:
Referring a Fertility Patient
Referring a Patient for Hysteroscopy
Out-of-province patients
Heartland Fertility does accept patients from other provinces and countries through the same referral process. As each province has different regulations and tax programs available, we encourage you to speak to our clinic manager to learn more about your options before requesting a consultation.
Fertility Preservation appointments for medical reasons
Semen or egg collection is most successful when done prior to radiation, chemotherapy or surgical therapy. Please send a referral and be reassured that an urgent appointment will be made to accommodate this.